Selection process

The selection process of the project applications reflects principles of the programme: it is transparent and does not tolerate any elements of corruption. The selection procedures (formal control and expert evaluation) are carried out without any risk of conflict of interest between the applicant and the evaluator. All evaluators and members of selection committees are bound by Ethical Guidelines for Project Evaluators and Selection Committee Members and the Declaration of no conflict interest declaring the objectivity of the selection process and exclusion of any conflict of interest.

a) Formal Control

The formal control (review of administrative and eligibility criteria) follows the next working day after the call for proposals deadline and is finalised within 10 working days. All criteria are reviewed in all submitted applications (detailed list of these criteria is available in the checklist at the end of this call for proposals and in the Guide).

  • Review of Administrative Criteria
  • Review of Eligibility Criteria

b) Evaluation of Applications by Expert Evaluators

Each project application complying with the administrative and eligibility criteria is scored by two impartial and independent evaluators who assess the quality of the applications. Applications are assigned to the evaluators by lot. The evaluation process is based on evaluation criteria with score.

c) The Selection Committee

The selection committee evaluates the list of project applications ranked by the arithmetic average. The selection committee is an external body of independent experts and representatives of the FO who represent equally outcomes and programme areas of each call for proposal. The result of the selection committee meeting is a ranked list of projects recommended for support, projects recommended for support with conditions, projects on the reserve list and rejected projects.

d) The Programme Executive Board

The programme executive board confirms selection of the projects for funding, including the reserve list and can propose changes to the list if justified.

e) The OSF Prague Board of Trustees / The Vdv Board of Trustees

The OSF Prague board of trustees/The VDV board of trustees approves finally the list of projects recommended for funding by the programme executive board.

Information on the Results of the Evaluation

A list of supported projects is published on the programme website as well as on websites of each consortium member. All applicants will be notified about the results of the evaluation process within 10 working days from the final decision. On the top of that it will take place within 20 weeks of the date of the call closure the latest.

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