Open Calls

Mid-sized grants - 2. round // No longer possible to apply

The final call for proposals focused on the programme outcomes Citizen participation, Advocacy and watchdog activities, Vulnerable groups empowered, Civic education and media literacy and Civil society strengthened is open until January 11, 2022.

Mid-sized grants of € 8,000 – 85,000 will be distributed among projects lasting 1 to 2 years and leading to the support of current topics in the given programme areas. Project applicants shall be non-governmental organizations registered in the Czech Republic with a minimum two-year history of activity in one of the five programme areas. The total amount allocated to this call is 5,069,976.

Questions can be sent to or contact any programme coordinator:

  • Veronika Řehořková: 226 227 736
  • Adéla Nejedlá: 226 227 710
  • Petra Kasalická 732 684 159
  • Pavla Bartůňková 605 754 826

For questions regarding the cooperation with entities/ experts from the donor countries please contact:

  • Jitka Štefková: 226 227 706

Action grants - Outcome 5 // No longer possible to apply

Active Citizens Fund announces the open interim call for proposals on action grants for non-profit organizations to apply for a grant on improving their digital knowledge and skills and wider using of digital technologies and digital tools for their activities and the running of their organizations. The purpose of the call is to help non-profit organisations digitize, i.e.:

a. to use digital tools purposefully in their work, activities, providing services, communication with target groups, e.t.c.
b. to extend the use of technologies in order to address the real needs of their target groups (so-called civic tech) – expanding the range of services through technologies, that allow wider participation especially to representatives of vulnerable groups, contribute to vulnerable groups empowerment and enable better availability of services / activities / offices for all target groups
c. to extend the use of technologies as tools for active citizenship (so-called civic tech) – expanding the range of services through technologies, that will enable greater involvement of people in the functioning and decision-making processes at the municipal / city / state level, facilitate communication between citizens and representatives, easier control of public administration, improve offices availability, e.t.c.

Projects focused on strengthening non-profit organizations will be supported – i.e. activities leading to increasing their capacity, impact of their work and the sustainability of civil society sector and individual civil society organizations.


First Call for Fund for Bilateral Relations // No longer possible to apply

The Open Society Fund Prague on behalf of a consortium of the Active Citizens Fund announces a call for proposals on Bilateral grants.

Calls for grant applications in the Fund for Bilateral Relations are open from the date of the announcement to 31 August 2023 (or until allocations for the given years or the overall allocated funding for these projects are used). Supported projects must be completed by 30 April 2024.

Action Grants // No longer possible to apply

On December 15, 2020 the Open Society Fund Prague and Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation on behalf of a consortium of the Active Citizens Fund announces the open interim call for proposals on action grants for local initiatives or one-off local events that trying to start events in their community or that further develop existing civic activities and cooperation at the local level.

The call for proposals is intended for locally operating organizations that have the motivation to change the local environment. At the same time, it targets less experienced organizations that have the desire and energy to gain new experience in preparing grant applications and
therefore strengthen their own capacity. Experience with grant application is not a condition,
the deciding factor is a local scope of activity. A simple questionnaire is used for the evaluation whether the organization is a suitable applicant (see Annex 2 at the end of the call for proposal).
Application submission is allowed on condition that the applicant is registered for at least
one year as a non-profit organization in the Czech Republic.
The aim of the action grants is to support projects which are to solve current needs and
challenges at the local level and at the same time focus on:

  • Active citizenship, i.e. citizen’s engagement in planning and public policy decision making at
    the municipal level and civil society activities
  • Advocacy and watchdog activities, i.e. executive branch monitoring, public interest defence through advocacy work and lobbying, corruption mitigation
  • Vulnerable groups empowerment, i.e. increased engagement of vulnerable groups into
    public policy decision making and greater public knowledge of the needs of these groups

These action grants in the amount of € 1,000–3,000 will be divided into projects lasting
1–12 months. The total available indicative budget for awarding grants for action projects under this call is € 202,000, the allocations for each year are set out below.

The deadline for submitting grant applications is continuous, all applications submitted by
the end of the given quarter (i.e. submitted until 23:59 on March 31 / June 30/ September 30
/ December 31 of the given year) are always evaluated, resp. until the allocation for the given
year is used up. The first deadline for accepting grant applications is March 31, 2021, the last one is December 31, 2022.

Matching grants // No longer possible to apply

On February 9, 2021 the Open Society Fund Prague on behalf of a consortium of the Active Citizens Fund announces the open call for proposals on matching grants – the purpose of the call is to support
the organizations in implementing campaigns aimed at donors and audience, i.e. (online) fundraising or crowdfunding campaigns.

Purpose of this call is to teach non-profit organizations how to successfully prepare an online crowdfunding campaign. The organizations will improve the skills to effectively reach their supporters and groups of friends through an online fundraising or crowdfunding campaign so that they financially support their activities.

This call for proposals is intended for non-profit organisations operating at local, regional or national level. Application submission is allowed under the condition that the applicant is registered for at least one year as a non-profit organization in the Czech Republic.

Program will support projects lasting 6 – 12 months in the form of a 1:1 matching, i.e. program doubles the amount collected from the donors in the campaign with the amount from € 1,000 to 4,000 per project / campaign. The total available budget for awarding grants for matching projects under this call is € 40,000, i.e. 10–15 projects will be supported.

The deadline for submitting grant applications is April 6, 2021 at noon (12 p.m.).

All grant applications must comply with the objectives and rules of the Active Citizens Fund and the EEA and Norway Grants. They must be submitted in a form specified in this call for proposals as well as the Guide for Applicants.

We provide consultations through out the whole process of applications by e-mail of phone. Include “Matching Grants Consultations” in the subject line of your email. Here are the contacts for the program coordinator:

Mid-sized grants: New projects, unique approach and empowerment of NGOs // No longer possible to apply

On October 3, 2019, the Open Society Fund Prague and Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation on behalf of a consortium of the Active Citizens Fund announces the first open call for proposals on mid-sized grants in programme outcomes Increased citizen participation in civic activities, Strengthened civil society advocacy and watchdog role, Vulnerable groups empowered, Increased support for civic education and media literacy and Increased capacity and sustainability of the civil society sector and individual CSOs. Mandatory outcome for every project is Increased capacity and sustainability of the civil society sector and individual CSOs.

These mid-sized grants in amount of € 8,000–85,000 will be distributed across all five programme areas of the Active Citizens Fund. Supported projects in this call with duration from 1 to 2,5 years are supposed to result into support of current issues within the programme outcomes.

Project applicants shall be Czech non-governmental organisations registered at least two years prior the submission deadline of the application. The total available indicative budget for awarding grants for mid-sized projects under this call is € 4 657 000.

The deadline for the application submission is December 2, 2019 at noon (12:00 pm).



Change the system: First call for proposals on strategic grants in Active Citizens Fund programme 

The Open Society Fund Prague and Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation on behalf of a consortium of the Active Citizens Fund announces a call for proposals on strategic grants which will provide financial support for civil society activities and strengthening its role in the process of sustainable systemic change. Grants will contribute to the long term efficient cooperation among civil society organizations with the focus on positive change in multiple areas. In this call, projects with outcomes Strengthened civil society advocacy and watchdog role, Vulnerable groups empowered and Increased support for civic education and media literacy will be supported. 

Systemic projects will be supported with the amount of  € 100 – 250 000 and have to last from 3 to 4 years. Project applicants shall be Czech non-governmental organisations registered at least two years prior the submission deadline of the application. The deadline for the application submission is November 4, 2019 at noon (12:00 pm).

Download more documents about the programme.

Eligible Applicant

  • It is a registered legal entity in the Czech Republic defined by the Czech law as: civic association (i.e. legal name in Czech: spo- lek, ústav, obecně prospěšná společnost), foundation and endowment fund (i.e. legal name in Czech: nadace a nadační fond) or organization department of church and religious society (i.e legal name in Czech: účelové zařízení registrované církve a náboženské společnosti) on the condition, that the proposed and funded project activities do not promote a religious doctrine, mission or proselytism related to the beliefs of a particular faith, possibly interest association of legal persons (i.e. legal name in Czech: zájmová sdružení právnických osob) if all members of the association are non-governmental non-profit organizations and individually fulfil the eligibility criteria (see the checklist in the annex of each call for proposals);
  • It is registered legal entities at least two years prior the submission deadline of the application;
  • The focus of organisation shall match programme areas (Active citizenship, Human rights, Social justice, Gender equality, Environment).
  • Applicants must be directly responsible for the implementation of the project for which they are seeking a grant, and must not act merely as an intermediary of project activities.
  • Religious institutions (except the charities), political parties, social partners or profit-distributing cooperatives (including trade- and professional associations, where the aims and purposes of the association is to further the specific interests of its members only) are not considered NGOs.

Eligible Project Partner

  • Public or private entity, commercial, non-commercial or civil society organization established as legal person in the Czech Republic, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland or other beneficiary states of the EEA grants (namely Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia), any international organisation or body or agency;
  • Informal group of at least 3 individuals intended for public interest only. At the same time, it is a voluntary, non-discriminatory group independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties, religious institutions or commercial organisations. An informal group shall be represented by one single person, who signs the project Partnership Agreement on behalf of the group. An informal group cannot be the applicant for the project grant and cannot be direct recipient of the project grant (expenditure related to the involvement of the informal group shall be borne by the project promoter).

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