We have been distributing grants for more than 25 years. We have always supported organizations with original and innovative approaches and invested in their development. Via our financial support, we have made it easier for the People in Need NGO to launch pilot projects focused on social work in socially excluded communities and to initiate the “One World” international human rights film festival. We have made it possible for organizations such as Transparency International, Ecological Legal Service, currently Frank Bold and Fórum 50% to be established. We have brought new concepts to Czechia – approaches that were unknown due to the totalitarian communist regime, but worked in other countries and helped promote values of open society and democracy. This applies, for example, to the concept of palliative care (successfully developed by the Cesta domů NGO) and open data (in this area, we initiated establishing the Rekonstrukce státu NGO).
We continue to promote a state built on openness and transparency which backs up responsible citizens and makes sure that justice and rights apply to all citizens. We contribute to mutual respect understanding, justice and equal opportunities in society. We deal with problems such as growing discrimination in the Czech Republic which is related to various areas such as the access to education, jobs, housing and healthcare. We also focus on the crisis of trust among people and the crisis of trust in values of liberal democracy.
Everything we do has been achieved together with our partners and organizations committed to improving people’s lives and cultivating civil society. The Active Citizens Fund is an amazing challenge for us and an opportunity to support these organizations in their efforts.
The Committee of Goodwill was founded by Olga Havlová, the first wife of the president Václav Havel, at the beginning of 1990 following the tradition of the Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Persecuted and the Charter 77. Our mission is to help people who, because of their poor health or social status, find it difficult to integrate into society or cannot care for themselves without other people’s assistance. We support NGOs focusing on healthcare, social, humanitarian and educational activities that enhance dignity and integration of people with disabilities or diseases, uncared-for children and elderly people. With these goals, we defend human rights and social justice.
Thanks to the Active Citizens Fund, we will be able to increase support for the Committee of Goodwill – Olga Havel Foundation so that it can maximize its impact and make society-wide changes helping numbers of disadvantaged citizens to integrate into society.
I dnes prosazujeme takový stát, který si zakládá na otevřenosti a transparentnosti, podporuje zodpovědné občany a usiluje o to, aby právo a zákony platily pro všechny bez rozdílu. Přispíváme ke vzájemnému respektu, porozumění, spravedlnosti a rovným šancím ve společnosti. Řešíme problémy, jako je stále rostoucí diskriminace v České republice, která se mnohých dotýká v těch nejdůležitějších oblastech života, jako je přístup ke vzdělání, zaměstnání, bydlení či zdravotnické péči. Zabýváme se krizí vzájemné důvěry ve společnosti a důvěry v hodnoty liberální demokracie.
Vše, co děláme, jsme dokázali společně s našimi partnery a organizacemi, které chtějí zlepšovat život lidem ve svém okolí a kultivovat občanskou společnost. Active Citizens Fund je pro nás velká výzva a taky příležitost tyto organizace posílit v jejich práci.
The Scout Institute operates under Junák – Czech Scout organization which has had hundreds of thousands of members. Our mission is to record the history of this inspiring movement, to develop it and promote it.
Besides that, we create space for encounters and personal growth of people of all generations, whether they are scouts or not. This forum filled with scout atmosphere and values attract young organizers and visitors of various events to active citizenship in the public sphere.
Joining the Active Citizens Fund is an excellent opportunity to support more young people, their ideas and projects. Among others, it will make it possible for us to launch an Incubator where we can foster young teams’ ideas and help carry them out.
Mimo jiné nám umožní rozjet Inkubátor, ve kterém budeme tyto myšlenky mladých týmů pomáhat rozvíjet a uskutečňovat.